Monday, June 4, 2007


Choose a question and answer it in the "COMMENTS" section.
-Does the narrator miss his parents? Is he happy at the farm?

-Describe the narrator's personality. How is he changing?
-P. 38: What does the phrasal verb “cut out” mean?
-What did the boys trap in the winter? Why did they trap animals?

-What was the first story Hans told? What was the surprise ending?


Advanced Two said...

At the beginning he did miss his
parents,but after a while he doesn't,just thinks of them a bit.
He is happy at the farm.


Advanced Two said...

The narrator now feels like home. He likes the farm´s life.
He enjoys hunting, skiing and sometimes listening the odd histories about the World War I and II.


Advanced Two said...

They made the trap which caught a weasel, a fox.
Because it made some money.


Advanced Two said...

The first story Hans told was about the experience he had encountered with Germans during the War time.

At the ending of the story, Hans found surprisingly that the man he had been talking to for hours was dead for two or three days. Further more, this dead man was a German soldier!
